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[Health] Sleep Quality
RE: Sleep Quality
What does all that have to do with sleep quality?

Well, if I ain't comfortable, I'm not going to use all that gear. Because if I ain't comfortable I can't sleep. And that's the bottom line.

If I have to use all this crap it had better work.

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Sleep Quality
For sleep quality, has anyone tried recording the REM and Deep sleep reported from Fitbits, Garmin, or Apple into OSCAR notes?  It would be nice if such things could be imported into OSCAR.

@DaveL, you could add a product review comparing Fitbit to Apple. I use Fitbit. I think the app is the best fitness app available. I don’t like that it does not interface with Apple Health! I also not think the Fitbits need a lot of improvement. Have thought about changing to Apple but can’t get past the cost. But the latest Fitbits are catching up.

-- Bill
Struggling to keep the air moving like everyone else …  ?

Standard Disclaimer:
I'm just a CPAP user like you. I can't give medical advice. 
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RE: Sleep Quality
I know that Fitbit is much better.
I bought a watch they produced.  It burnt my wrist and I had a rash, and returned it. 
Now Fitbit is owned by .... ??  Google? 

Once bitten, twice shy.  YMMV.

I've had a number of bands. And several watches.  I currently use an iWatch 6.  I'm very happy, though I had to buy an App rather than subscribe to their own app.

I don't know how to add it to OSCAR.

In fact I don't have the skill to interpret OSCAR data to improve my treatment. I'm solely dependant on other's knowledge here. And I've been a nuisance asking for it so many times, that I've had to erase old screenshots because I've filled my allotment.  Now they don't have those to refer to. Refering to them takes so much time, I'm happy when our wonderful posters respond. 

Summary, iWatch 6 or whatever--is it worth it? Yes; but it could be better. I'm on a fixed income; I won't get the permission of the Director of Finance to subscribe to some monthly report or service.

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Sleep Quality
@BiSailor, I'm grateful when I wake up in the morning.

I really like being able to record (approximately) my blood oxygen levels and do an ECG.

My doc about 15 years ago said I had a hole in my heart. Yesterday a wonderful cardiologist confirmed I don't. Hallelujah! I bet she finds something else, but this worry is gone! (I fired that old family doc and the useless sleep doc he referred me to as well. Better off without them.)

I've see posts here that showed Fitbit data tied to OSCAR. However, I can't remember who the poster was. I don't own a Fitbit because I won't pay for the monthly fee. I'd likely go into analysis paralysis if I had more data anyway....

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Sleep Quality
Dave - glad the new cardiologist is wonderful and confirmed you don't have a hole in your heart!
Gotta stay on top of things with that old ticker! Smile
Good job advocating for yourself and firing worthless docs!

Re: Fitbit
I just bought one about a month ago.
I'm now doubting the accuracy of the sleep stages data.
I noticed the other morning when I was laying awake playing on my phone it recorded 40mins of REM at that time.  Fully awake is significantly different than REM!

I think a REM latency issue is why I don't feel better on cpap but I'm struggling to find a doc willing to test to confirm it.
A couple of my meds can interfere with REM. Tapering off those myself, on a hunch, feels like a bad idea.
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RE: Sleep Quality
Brazen the best use of watches and bands for me is showing the time I go to bed and wake up....

And I look for trends in Deep Sleep. I want to have more deep sleep. And when I might have woken up during the night. Particularly if I've taken my mask off---that happens a couple of times a year. I sleep without filling the humidifier reservoir more often than that....

I asked my sleep doc from h**l what had changed in OSA therapy one time. He said "nothing". Then he said, "oh, heated hoses." So I bought my first heated hose. He showed his superiority saying he had over 3,000 patients. His reviews on the doc rating site were sad.

Thanks for your comment about tapering off of meds. Reading side effects is scary My new family doc is wonderful; but she just added a prescription I don't like.

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Sleep Quality
I am adding a new variable to the determination of Sleep Quality=Where one lives in Canada and access to Health Care up there.
But you are right, at present there is no approved definition for Sleep Quality.. Making it even harder to discuss what it entails.  In general, it entails cortical arousals and sleep fragmentation.  Although I know arousals are involved I can not measure them at home and I have no idea how many a night are outside my normal range.
Sleep fragmentation can be followed with Fitbit, but the literature shows they are not that accurate, especially for REM sleep. (But how much of a problem is it really?). Since we know, this is very dependent on the individual. So I wonder if the bias is not that important since it's used nightly by the same individual?
One questions I have had for a while is:"If REM sleep is so essential and necessary, why do many elderly subjects don't have any in the PSG?”.
So yes..... a good night of sleep is what we all need. But how do we measure it?
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RE: Sleep Quality
Thanks for your input. About treatment quality

My progress and treatment has improved because of help here

I’ve been terribly disappointed with medical treatment though in Ontario. Enough said. I’ll focus on the benefits of being able to learn from others

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Sleep Quality
Quote SleepyHenry2: "One questions I have had for a while is: If REM sleep is so essential and necessary, why do many elderly subjects don't have any in the PSG? .So yes..... a good night of sleep is what we all need. But how do we measure it?"

Great points.

From what I've read, 20-25% of total sleep time should be REM, equaling close to 90mins+ (for restful sleep).
Multiple issues affect older individual's sleep. It's considered "normal" for REM to decrease by 0.6% per decade after 60yrs old. (ncbi.nih.gov PMC1978369) So older folks should still be reaching REM when all other factors are controlled.
The issue is all those other factors. Sad

A good night's sleep is definitely the goal but is tough to measure and often subjectively illusive. 

Anyone try a WHOOP device?
Supposed to be accurate. 
Annoying that it's a $20-30/mo subscription.
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RE: Sleep Quality
Thanks Brazen!
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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