ML35-12 Mighty Max 35 amp-hour AGM wheelchair/scooter battery ($63.99 on Amazon)
ResMed 12v-24v DC-DC converter ($84.95 from an online DME)
0.75 amp Battery Tender Jr.($27.69 on Amazon)
With a deep cycle AGM battery, you're supposed to be able to draw the battery down to 20%. With a 35 amp-hour battery, that gives me 28 amp-hours of usable power.
According to the ResMed battery guide, with the slimline hose and no humidifier using my settings, it draws about an amp at 12v. I should be able run it on the boat for 3 days and not need to worry about killing my boat's battery bank. With the heated ClimateLine hose and the humidifier running, I should get most of a night out of it.