Master Members group

Revision as of 15:11, 31 March 2014 by SuperSleeper (talk | contribs) (adjusting time requirement change for Master Members)

Master Members on Apnea Board are Apnea Board Forum members who meet the following requirements:

1. Has been an active member for at least 60 days with a history of 60 or more quality posts in the Main Forum
2. A demonstrated history of general helpfulness and civility on Apnea Board
3. Pre-approval by an Apnea Board Administrator or Moderator

Candidates for Master Member will be considered for admission into this group after meeting the qualifications. The promotion is not automatic nor immediate and is based upon whether or not staff believe the candidate to be a "good fit" within the group, and this decision process can take several days. In order to retain Master Member status, Master Members must make a minimum of one pertinent post in the Main Forum each month. Master Members who remain inactive without posting for a one-month period may have their Master Member status temporarily suspended. Suspended Master Members can be re-instated by becoming an active poster again and then writing a Private Message (PM) to SuperSleeper requesting reinstatement.

Members who are entered into this "elite" private group will have the following badge under their forum username:


Master Members have added privileges and permissions on the forum and contribute greatly to Apnea Board's status as "THE" place on the web for Sleep Apnea patients.

They will also have full access to our hidden Master Members Forum and the Wiki Editors Forum, where we discuss forum and wiki operations, new ideas and concepts, thoughts on improving Apnea Board, advice on how to use the additional privileges, and just about anything else we think we'd like to do there. Master Members serve as an "Advisory Committee" to help shape Apnea Board's rules & policies.

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