
Archangle:Saving SD Card Data

1,221 bytes added, 22:45, 26 March 2015

This page is geared towards Windows users

==Saving SD card images==

Note that by "image," I mean a complete copy of the data on the SD card.

Some of the CPAP machines do "non-standard" things to the SD card and you may not actually get ALL the data off of the card, and that you may not be able to restore the data back to the SD card.

1) Open "My Computer"

Depending on which version of Windows you have, it may be called "Computer." It may be on the desktop, or under Start->Computer.

2) Insert the SD card into your computer.

3) Left click on the drive that represents your SD card.

Note that you can rename this card from with windows. I find it useful to rename it to something like "S9-SDcard" so that it's easy to spot.

4) Right click and select "copy." Do NOT select "CUT".

5) Open the directory you want to put the data into.

I use a directory called "C:\S9".

6) Paste the data into that directory. You will end up with a directory called "S9-SDcard" or something like "Removable disk" if you haven't renamed the SD card.

7) Right click on the new directory and rename it to something useful. I usually name mine something like 150326 for today's date. 2015/03/26.

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