The '''Right Sidebar''' duplicates the Navigation bar AND adds an Import icon that can be used to start the import data process talked about in 2. Running SleepyHead for the first time. I usually find that the Right Sidebar takes up a lot of real estate on my laptop. You can turn the Right Sidebar off by pressing the F8 button on the keyboard. (On a Mac you may have to use Shift-F8 depending on how you have your function keys set up.)
I don't use an oximeter, and hence I've never needed the Rebuild Oximeter Indices. If you plan on using SH with an oximeter, you will need to ask others about problems you encounter. <br />
→Basic SleepyHead Organization: NPOV and cleanup
= Basic SleepyHead Organization =
When you are first learning how to use SleepyHead, it helps to have a basic understanding of the organization of each of the data views are available in SleepyHead.<br />
<big>Basic Parts of the SleepyHead Window in All Views</big> When you start SleepyHead and select the profile you want wish to use, SleepyHead opens up the Statistics page, which is as good of a place to start as anywhere else for looking at the overall organization. Here's a marked up copy of what you see on a Mac:
The '''Main Menu''' on Windows is at the top of the SleepyHead window (like the Main Menu for any other application). It's a pretty standard main menu.
The '''Navigation Bar''' is always visible and it's always in the middle of the top part of the window. Clicking each button on this Navigation changes the data. We'll examine each Each of the data views will be examined in more detail further down in this article. The '''Right Sidebar''' duplicates the Navigation bar AND adds an Import icon that can be used to start the import data process talked about in later posts[http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beginner%27s_Guide_to_SleepyHead#Running_SleepyHead_for_the_first_time 2. Running SleepyHead for the first time]. The Right Sidebar usually takes up a lot of real estate on a laptop computer. You can turn the Right Sidebar off by pressing the F8 button on the keyboard. (On a Mac you may have to use Shift-F8 depending on how you have your function keys set up.)
The Main Menu---a closer look</big><br />
* Help
On the Mac, the '''SleepyHead''' menu is a standard "Application" menu with the standard things, including "Preferences" and "Quit SleepyHead". Windows applications don't have this "Application" menu.
The File menu'''<br />
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In Windows, the File menu looks much the same except that it also contains "Preferences" and "Exit" as menu options. (These are under the SleepyHead menu on the Mac).)<br />
For a new SleepyHead user, the most important options on this menu are the "Import Data" and "Edit Profile". In Windows, add "Preferences" to that list. For now you can ignore the other options under the '''File''' menu.<br />
The View menu'''
It's important to keep "Link Graph Groups" checked. As long as that's checked, when you zoom in on one of the daily graphs, all the daily graphs will zoom in the same amount. That's very useful when you need to look at more than one graph to see what's going on.
Unchecking "Right Sidebar" will make the Right Sidebar disappear, which gives the graphs in the Daily view View more room.
"Fullscreen Toggle" is self explanatory. If you are working on a laptop, that's often an important thing to know about.
"Take Screenshot" is also self explanatory. In earlier versions of SH, this was really buggy. It seems to work much better in SH 0.9.5 and 0.9.6. On a Mac, SH will tell you where the location of the saved screenshot was saved to. On my a very small netbook netbooks running Windows 7, it's not completely clear whether "Take Screenshot" works and it does NOT tell me where it tries to save the user the location of the saved screenshot.
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The Windows menu is very similar, but has a few differences. For a new user of SleepyHead, the only item on this menu that you may need is the Purge CPAP data options under the Advanced menu item. When Zeo was still in business, a lot of us were using Zeos as well as CPAPs. And Import Zeo data was (and remains) a way to get Zeo data into SleepyHead. It does require doing some things on within the Zeo side itself to make the import run smoothly.<br />
If you plan on using SH with an oximeter, please see [[Importing CMS 50D Plus oximeter data into SleepyHead]], [http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-Importing-Oximetry-Data-in-Sleepyhead this forum thread], or or post your questions on the [http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Forum-Software-Support-Forum Software Support Forum].
'''The Left Sidebar'''
The Left Sidebar has both ''summary data '' and ''statistical data '' for the given date. Typically you need to scroll down to see all the data.Here's a picture that shows showing the top part of the Left Sidebar:<br />
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Tips on how to interpret all this data can be found in [http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beginner%27s_Guide_to_SleepyHead#Basic_data_interpretation:_Daily_Detailed_Data 4. Basic data interpretation: Daily Detailed Data]. The organization of the Left Sidebar is what we're interested in here.
The top of the Left Sidebar is the summary efficacy data for the night. Below that is a pie chart that give the relative sizes of each of the major types of events scored by the machine. The pie chart can be turned off if you wantpreferred.
Below the pie chart is the statistical data for pressure, leaks, and respiratory data that may not be of much interest, particularly if you are just starting out.
Below the statistical data is some summary data about the machine's settings for the night and the session data. This data is from hubby, so the session data is pretty boring: He someone who typically turns the machine on, goes to sleep, and doesn't wake up until morning. My For those with insomnia, session data is much more interesting due to my insomnia.
'''The daily detailed graphs'''
The daily detailed graphs lie in the middle of the Daily data window. These are the graphs that the experienced posters forum members keep referring to when we're asking they ask for more specific information about what your graphs look like.<br />
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The top chart is the '''Events chart'''. The Events chart gives a snapshot of just how good or bad the night was. (Hubby This patient had a really good night on this night).) In SH 0.9.5 and 0.9.6, this chart is pinned to the top of the detailed data graphs and it will NOT scroll out of view when you scroll down to look at more graphs. It's best to leave the Events chart pinned since it serves as a navigation guide: The Events chart does not zoom in with the rest of the graphs.
The '''Flow Rate''' graph is often called the wave flow data. When you zoom in on this graph you can see a trace of every breath you took all night long.
The labels on the rest of the graphs are self-explanatory once you know the jargon. We'll talk about that This is discussed later in a later postthis article.
Scrolling down reveals additional daily data graphs:<br />
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The particular graphs that you will see in SH depends on the machine you are using and whether you have turned any of the available graphs "off". We'll talk about that This is discussed later in later poststhis article as well.
That gives a pretty complete picture of the overall organization of the data in SleepyHead. So you should now be able to find things pretty quickly. Understanding that data will take up a series of be discussed later postsin this article. <br />
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