
Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead

308 bytes removed, 03:43, 10 March 2018
Basic data interpretation: Statistics Data
This section will focus on how SleepyHead presents the long term summary data.
'''==Organization of the Statistics Page'''==
Below the SleepyHead header, the Statistics Page looks like this:
'''==A detailed look at the CPAP Statistics'''==
Here is our sample patient's CPAP Statistics chart:
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'''===CPAP Usage data'''===
The first two lines concern usage or compliance data:
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SleepyHead defines '''Compliance''' for a given night as "usage is at least four hours". The line for defining Compliance can be set in the SleepyHead preferences if desired. The percentage in the '''Compliance''' column is simply the percentage of days in the time period where the usage was at least four hours. The fact that the patient's 1-year compliance is listed as 96% means that the patient used her CPAP for at least 4 hours on roughly 350 or 351 days. (Both 350/365 and 351/365 round to 0.96). Of the 15 days where she was not compliant, most of them are nights where she got less than 4 hours of sleep. Notably, however, two nights were sleep tests performed during the past summer.
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'''===Therapy Efficacy data'''===
The Therapy Efficacy data are the numbers that measure the overall effectiveness of your CPAP therapy. The whole point of CPAPing is to get and keep the AHI below 5.0 long term while also having the leaks under control and getting enough sleep to feel well in the daytime. Here are one patient's Therapy Efficacy data:<br />
* The '''Last 6 month''' numbers are a tiny bit better than the Last year. The difference is not statistically significant. And taken together, the 6-month and 1-year numbers say that the machine is doing its job of preventing most of her apneas and hypopneas from happening. A long term AHI < 2.0 is quite good.
'''===Leak Statistics'''===
The '''Leak Statistics''' are based on the SleepyHead '''Leak''' data. SleepyHead uses '''Leak''' to represent the excess or ''unintentional'' leak rate. In other words, for machines that record '''Total Leak Rate''' data, it's important to understand that
'''===Pressure Statistics'''===
The '''Pressure Statistics''' are not very interesting if you are using a fixed pressure CPAP machine; your max pressure and 90% or 95% pressure levels should equal your pressure setting. Your minimum pressure level and your average pressure level will be less than your pressure setting if you use the Ramp feature. The minimum pressure level will most likely be the starting Ramp pressure.
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'''===Bugs in the CPAP Statistics data'''===There are some bugs in the CPAP Statistics numbers. So if a number obviously does not make sense, its best to disregard it. ResMed S9 summary data has been particularly challenging for JediMark to work with if no detailed daily data is available for some days. The summary data stored for a day with multiple sessions is not sufficient to compute the long term percentiles and averages when only the summary data is available.
= Important preferences settings =

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