
Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead

12 bytes added, 14:39, 10 March 2018
AHI Overview
The Leaks and Total Leaks graphs show the maximum, 95%, and median Leaks and Total Leaks for each day. The 95% (or 90%) and median Leak graphs are are more important than the maximum values. The patient has had a few days where his 95% leak rate was pretty high, but not high enough to have had any leaks flagged as Large Leaks in his Daily Data.
==Peak Hourly AHI Overview==
The Peak AHI graph gives graphical information about the number of apneas and hypopneas recorded in any 60 minute period during the given night's data. The Maximum Peak AHI is the maximum number of events that occurred during any one hour of the given night; this is a crude measure of how bad the worst hour of the night was. The Maximum Peak AHI values are usually going to be quite a bit higher than the overall AHI for the night because for most of use, once we start CPAPing we have long period with no events and hopefully many hours where the hourly AHI is at or close to 0.
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