
OSCAR Installation

12 bytes added, 04:43, 7 April 2019
no edit summary
* The installation file will now download to your computer
** 'Important:' Some web browsers (eg Chrome) may give you a warning that the downloaded file is unsafe and may damage your computer. Provided you have downloaded Oscar from the link above you can safely ignore this warning and select "Keep file". Browsers other than Chrome (eg Edge, Firefox) may use a different format, but the concept is the same.
** The usual (default) location for a downloaded file is '''My Downloads''' or '''C:\user\xxx\downloads''' where the xxx is replaced by your name (eg C:\user\bill\downloads)
** You may have set your computer so that the default is in a different location.
* Navigate to the download folder and identify the OSCAR installation file. It will have a name similar to, not not necessarily exactly the same as '''OSCAR-1.0.0-beta-7-Win32-57c3e4c3.exe'''
==Apple Mac version==

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