
OSCAR Organization - Daily Page

744 bytes added, 04:18, 11 July 2019
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# Machine Settings Details. A more complete set of machine settings.
# Session Information. Each time the machine is turned on then off is called a session. If you sleep right through the night, that is a single session. If you stop the machine for a toilet break then start it again, then two sessions will be recorded.
# Buttons (bars) to turn sessions on and off. Clicking on these buttons will include or exclude sessions from display of the night's data. Each time you turn the machine on, then off again is referred to as a 'session'. If you sleep all night without turning the machine off, that will be one session. If you turn it off once for a toilet break, that will show two sessions. Clicking on the blue and yellow session buttons will include or exclude sessions from the display of the night's data. This can be useful if (for example) you had a very brief nap in the afternoon and want to exclude it from the night's results. Note that turning a session off will change the calculated AHI for the night. Note also that sessions can be turned on and off using the small green/black buttons in the section information panel. When a session is off the button changes to black / red.  

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