
Lowenstein PrismaLine optimization

329 bytes added, 13 April
PrismaLine Bi-Level Modes & Machines
=PrismaLine Bi-Level Modes & Machines=
Bi-Level Lowenstein models like the '''Prisma25ST''' and '''Prisma30ST''' offer an array of features for bi-level therapy. All of the modes described sofar and those immediately following form the main body of machines offering what is known as '''pressure targeted ventilation'''(PTV). This is in contrast to '''volume targeted ventilation'''(VTV). '''PTV''' aims to hit settable pressure targets like IPAP and EPAP, leaving volumes variable, whereas '''VTV''' aims to hit a settable Volume target where pressure remains variable. PTV is a universal ventilation mode used in by all manufacturers for a majority of non invasive ventilation machines like those used for home OSA therapy. VTV ventilators are generally used for intubated critical care patients, where the seal can be ensured and the 'work of breathing' left largely to the machine. Some specialized mix of the two modes are available for home use in specially developed models by many manufacturers.
Due to the increasing complexity of Bi-level support, and the miriad of adjustments offered by Lowenstein, a number of predetermined settings called "scopes" are provided in each bi-level mode. These presets are designed and tested to be used as a starting point for differing pulmonary conditions and co-comorbidities. These are:

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