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OSCAR Installation: Linux

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Back to OSCAR Installation

Linux version

Linux Installation Notes

For version 1.1.0 the locations of the files used by oscar have changed to match the recommendations of the To accommodate this, it is recommended that any older versions of OSCAR, including -beta and -test versions, should be removed – more exactly, purged, - before installation of version 1.1.0.

Removing a package leaves the OSCAR_Data folders intact.

For Debian-based systems, this is done in two steps:

<prompt>$ dpkg -l | grep -i oscar

will display long lines starting with two letters, followed by the package-name and then the version and more stuff. The next step is to purge each package listed above, using:

<prompt>$ sudo dpkg --purge <package-name>

For RPM-based systems (from v1.1.1), the procedure has two steps:

<prompt>$ dnf list installed “oscar*”

Don’t forget the quotes around oscar*. The first column has the package-name followed by the architecture. Then remove the package with:

<prompt>$ sudo dnf remove <package-name>

Once the old versions are removed, installation is straight-forward:

For Debian-based systems:

<prompt>:$ sudo dpkg -i <deb file>

assuming you are in the folder where you downloaded it.

For RPM-based systems (from v1.1.1), you may need to pre-install some libraries (the example below is for Fedora 31):

<prompt>$ sudo dnf install mesa-libGLU-9.0.1-1.fc31

<prompt>$ sudo dnf install qt5-qtserialport-5.12.5-1.fc31

before you install OSCAR:

<prompt>$ sudo dnf localinstall <rpm files>

Careful : you have to specify a path for localinstall. If the file is in the current directory, put ./ before it.

Folder structure

The folder structure is supposed to suit the FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)

  • /usr/bin/OSCAR (executable)
  • /usr/share/OSCAR/ (Html & Translation files)
  • /usr/share/doc (miscellaneous files need for package )
  • /usr/share/icons (icon files in some subdirectory)
  • /usr/share/applications (.desktop file is the shortcut).

Ubuntu and Debian

To install OSCAR on Ubuntu or Debian, download the appropriate file from the official OSCAR web site for your platform. Then:

sudo dpkg -i [OSCAR package filename.deb]

Substitute the name of the package you downloaded. It is important to use sudo rather than install as root, so that the package will install the .desktop file in your account.

To remove OSCAR:

sudo dpkg -r oscar

Fedora, CentOS and Redhat

There is an unofficial repository with Fedora and CentOS/RHEL packages of OSCAR at Fedora Copr, maintained by a forum member.

To install in Fedora:

sudo dnf copr enable johanh/oscar
sudo dnf install oscar

To install in CentOS:

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum install oscar

To uninstall, use Gnome Software or on command line "sudo dnf erase oscar" (Fedora) or "sudo yum erase oscar" (CentOS/RHEL). For further details, visit the referenced Fedora Copr page.

Source package is taken directly from the OSCAR project and compiled and packaged for the different Linux distributions (for security and integrity, source rpm package can be compared and verified with original source package if necessary). If there are any problems with the installation, contact johanh on the apneaboard forum.

Arch Linux

There is an OSCAR package in the Arch Linux user repository or AUR.

If you are using yay, you can install the oscar package with the following command:

sudo yay oscar-git

Similarly, with yaourt:

sudo yaourt -S oscar-git

The OSCAR package in AUR is available here:

If you want to manually install packages from AUR, read the following short blog post:

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