Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
My blood pressure is at like 103 .. right now
i've read that anything over 65 is below average right?
Would maybe wearing my Auto cpap during day help? while i'm at my desk working? I work from home so..
I'm about to get a sleep study soon / not had one but think i prob have somewhat severe case I suspect.
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80.
Are you sure your talking blood pressure or pulse rate?
The only advantage to wearing it during the day for an hour or so is to try and get used to the feel of it.
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
Maybe clarify the BP systolic and systolic numbers and pulse, and explain the nexus to CPAP. Wearing CPAP during the day would not be helpful unless you're napping, then it's a great idea. It's called sleep disordered breathing for a reason. If you have pulmonary issue during the day, that is a different problem.
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
Oh sorry i meant to say my pulse rate has bee like 120 when waking up
and around 90 to 100.. My Bpm.. Beats per minute using my oxygen finger thing
and my oxygen has been around 93 for most part.. at bare miniumum of healthy.. 93
boy should i get on oxygen.
I had surgery about a month ago and think i might have a case of chest congestion from tube and also being a light cigaretter smoker.
I just read that pulse can become high if fighting a chest infection so
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
If you are struggling after having surgery, don't diagnose yourself. See your doctor to make sure all is ok and be sure to tell him/her of your high pulse rate in the morning.
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
Mike, what is your setup now. Last we heard from you, the plan was to buy a new machine.
RE: Is it helpful to wear Cpap during day while i'm at my desk
What was the surgery?
The negative effect of smoking on SPO2 is well proven so maybe look to that first.