Any Significance?
So... in my quest to stop mouth breathing I tried an experiment. I used a cervical collar for four days and taping for four days. (chin strap was totally ineffective)
The days I used the collar my AHI has been <.05 but I am mouth breathing a lot. Enough to make my mouth feel like a desert and my throat sore and I am snoring. Leak rate isn't horrible tho.
On the days I taped my AHI has been 1.8-ish. No snoring and no mouth breathing. No dry mouth and my chap-stick is intact from the night before. Leak rate is barely above the intentional rate.
I was surprised to see a lower AHI with all the mouth breathing. Is it really a bad thing?
Which way do I go?
RE: Any Significance?
Depending on the severity of leaks, the machine can have trouble detecting events that are easily recorded without the leaks. Also, if you found the tape disruptive to sleep, you may actually be having more CA and "sleep-wake-junk" type events. With events at less than 2 per hour, I would not chase events at the expense of comfort. Go with what works best for you and your rest.