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Machine: Airsense 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: resmed f20 Humidifier: Climate control CPAP Pressure: Min-7, Max-10.6, EPR-3 CPAP Software: OSCAR
What can i do to make it consistently better? Even with AHI 2.3, I feel sleepy.
Burping during sleep & bloated.
If this positional what can I do to or how to identify which position is making it bad?
I am wearing a Dreamwear full face mask, mouth tape & SCC.
From samsung watch, O2 level shows usualy under 90% for 5 min or more and lowest 78~80.
Welcome. Your Dec 1 graphs show positional apnea. Positional apnea is when you sleep in a position that cuts off your own airway. It is known as chin tucking. Your chin drops down to your sternum and no Cpap or pressure changes will help. You have to stay out of that position.
Back sleeping is one way (you can chin tuck in any sleep position) that many people chin tuck. If it continues you may need a collar to keep your airway open. Please take the time to read the materials in the link I provided in my signature.
Machine: Airsense 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: resmed f20 Humidifier: Climate control CPAP Pressure: Min-7, Max-10.6, EPR-3 CPAP Software: OSCAR
What should I do for those night AHI 2.XX but still feel sleepy during daytime?
And anything to do about the burping & bloating during sleep time? I am mouth taping with surgical tape & using full face mask.
From AHI point of view, the best AHI 1.51 so far I saw was with Fixed pressure 7, EPR off but flow limit was high 0.20 and was not using SCC or mouth tape at that time. Should I try fixed pressure with EPR=3, & SCC+ mounth taping?
The other 2 nights did not show much positional apnea but your night with the highest AHI did. maybe that was because your collar was not on correctly.
The other nights it seemed the centrals were worse.. Centrals are up and down usually and not consistent at all. They come from not being use to the cpap and usually go away after a while (month or so). I would try EPR 2 full time and not just on ramp. See how that works for you.
Machine: Airsense 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: resmed f20 Humidifier: Climate control CPAP Pressure: Min-7, Max-10.6, EPR-3 CPAP Software: OSCAR
In my case, I found the use of EPR could increase lots of CAs. A small EPR may decrease some CAs. Sleep quality also depend on how much deep sleep you got. It would be better to monitor sleep quality using a smart watch.
Machine: Airsense 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: resmed f20 Humidifier: Climate control CPAP Pressure: Min-7, Max-10.6, EPR-3 CPAP Software: OSCAR