Here's the best way I could describe it the other day
Here's an experiment you can try just to convince yourself if this talk about neck tucking makes any sense to you or not...
1) Sit upright in your chair with your chin slightly raised as if looking through a window at the top of some trees
2) Take several breaths and try to notice how "open" your throat feels... this works best if you breathe through your mouth.
3) Now bend your head forward and intentionally try to touch the top of your chest with your chin
4) Take a few more breaths through your mouth and see if you feel a little "strangled" as if your throat is closing off.
I hope that experiment works for you.
It's that kind of "self strangulation" that can happen if your airways don't stay straight and open.
As already mentioned, two ways of choking yourself are..
a) Inadvertent chin tucking when you are asleep. I tend to do this when I get into the fetal position.
b) Having a stack of pillows that are too high and they lift your head relative to your body and they almost immediately put you into the chin-tuck before the night has even begun.
EDIT: Other things to try might be...
1) try not using any pillow at all (that's the smallest lowest pillow I can think of)
2) What else can you think of along these lines?