RE: A newbie with leakage issues
(05-05-2013, 05:47 PM)burninal Wrote: Is there a way from looking at the data to determine if the leakage is from mouth breathing versus mask leakage?
Detailed leak graph shows significant leak episodes in some periods and none at all in other periods.
The high level of leaks (> 24 L/min) and their characteristic plateau shape (steep rise, flattening off then returning to the base line) indicate the presence of significant and variable leaks, most likely
mouth leaks
See page 57 .... case study 1: suggested solution
RE: A newbie with leakage issues
I received my chin strap yesterday and wore it without issue. My leakage dropped dramatically, and I thought that I did good, but was truly surprised to see that my AHI went from a norm of <4 to over 8. I might add, last night, I changed my humidity control from manual at 5.0 /86 F to automatic. Some hours the count was as high as 19 "central" events (what ever this means). All of my events with the resmed software are listed as central. What does this mean?
RE: A newbie with leakage issues
Don,t concentrate on every event scored by machine
Concentrate on getting decent sleep
Some events scored when you,re not sleep, discard events scored while awake
Look for trend over period of time and give some time to adjust
If for whatever reason happening every night, than schedule an appointment with your sleep physician