The first night I used it, I woke up after about an hour, with very painful aerophagia. I lowered the pressure settings and since then I haven't had aerophagia that badly again, but I do still get it every night, usually to the point that it's uncomfortable and I have some big burps, occasionally not very noticeable until later the next day when it's made it's way down.
Another thing I've noticed is that it seems like the machine wants me to breathe a little faster and deeper than I normally do. I've noticed when I'm still awake that I sometimes get blasted with air when I was just about to inhale, or while I'm inhaling.
I got a nasal mask to try out, because I don't like having something covering so much of my face, but it's sort of hit or miss because I have a deviated septum and apparently turbinates that swell a lot of times at night. The first night I tried the nasal mask, I actually fell asleep sitting up in my bed, and woke up 7 hours later... With an achy neck but excited at having gotten 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. But that hasn't happened again.
A few weeks ago, I tried a makeshift chin strap, and that night I got 6 hours of sleep without waking, but the very next night, with the same makeshift chin strap, I went right back to waking up every 2½-3 hours. I have an actual chinstrap on the way, in hopes that will help.
I've elevated the head of my bed by putting blocks under the feet at that end and a folded up blanket under my mattress. I've stopped eating dinner right before laying down, instead waiting at least an hour, lately 2 or 3 hours, before laying down. I don't know what else to do.
Does anyone have any ideas? Which OSCAR charts would be most helpful, if any?
Thanks ?