First, some highlights from my at-home sleep test:
The first night, in which I took off the gear at some point in the early morning showed:
Sleep time 291minutes.
AHI 11.2, RDI 19.5, ODI 3.6
O2 less than 90% as a % of sleep 3.4%
Of the AHI events:
4 Central apneas (mean time (12.2)
12 Obstructive apneas (mean time (15.5)
2 mixed apneas (mean time 14.3)
57 Hypopneas (mean time 25.1)
The second night had much better AHI
Sleep time, 302 minutes
AHI 3.2, RDI 9.2, ODI .6
O2 less than 90% as % of sleep 0%
Of the AHI events:
9 central apneas (mean time 18.7)
11 obstructive apneas (mean time 15)
0 mixed apneas
5 hypopnea (mean time 27.5)
There is such a big difference between the two nights! And I'm not sure how much I trust the numbers, but the number I do trust, the o2 desaturation, worries me.
So I got a AirSense 10 autoset, which as far as I can tell has been great. But. . . while the pressure sometimes ramps up as high as ten while I am awake (stuffy nose?) my 95% pressure seems to hover around 8, which seems low. I've presented the nights below. I'd appreciate any thoughts on them. I have been playing with reducing exhale pressure relief (?) to try and reduce Clear Airway events (though on close review, a lot of the flagged events look like SWJ).
First three nights of data (i'll have to include the others in a separate post):
Is it odd to have 8 as the 95% pressure?