Here is some of the BIG Questions...
First is that I seem to have good numbers..yesterday my AHI was .80...
Yet I was not having a good day, I want and need to be a Energizer Bunny, and I should be but I was about 70% Zombie. I was unable to work...mind just was not sharp.
So something is not right.
And a number of readings I get from Sleepyhead seem to show something going on.
I fear that I am getting arousals that even thou I seem to be getting good sleep by the numbers I am not getting restorative sleep.
I wake up two to four times each night.
I guess I need a real Doctor's Sleep Apnea Training Manual..I think the answer might be in the readout but cannot really read them.
Like this:
Like what does all that gray in the flow rate mean??
And look at how the Mask Pressure is displayed...what is up with those two??
My take on my Pulse Rate and O2 numbers I think are great..o2 stays above 90% all night...
But then there is these:
It looks like a good read out I even have got my Breathing Rate down to a new low of 15 BPM by using a fixed BR OF 15BPM (used to be as high as 26 last year and was 17BPM just a couple of weeks ago..and to night I am reading even lower to 13 BPM, which is lower than my fixed rate of that good or bad??
But note the first sleep cycle is up and the second sleep cycle hit the bottom and stays that good or bad??
Next and nearly last this:
I cannot make heads or tails of these readouts...good or bad...The Tidal Volume Good or bad, looks funny...
Note the sleep sessions...what does Blue mean and the yellow in the sessions??
Last is this:
See how weird the Insp.Time and Exp.Time looks wrong some it??
So even with great AHI numbers it looks like something is going on..something that is preventing me from real restorative sleep..BUT I cannot tell what..
This is where we go deep into understanding what these readouts are trying to tell us...
IF I was the E.Bunny I would not question all of this but in spite of what seems to be great numbers I am still tired most of the time..
And if I did not have E.Bunny days every once in a while I would not believe they were possible BUT I DO have those E.Bunny days so it is possible...
And I hope I can make them happen more often.
Help me and you could really help all.
Thanks for your interest and help.