(06-01-2021, 10:25 PM)JaneAM; OpalRose; SuperSleeper; Dormeo; Clownbell; SarcasticDave94; GrumpyHere Wrote: Hi - I’m considering the idea of having the Inspire device implanted in order to deal with my sleep apnea. I have been using my CPAP now for 5 years and don’t hate it - so I am not all that driven to get the Inspire device. However, my results with my CPAP average around 4 to 5 AHI (better than the 31 AHI I originally had!) -so am wondering if an Inspire device might give me better results. I still feel some fatigue in the afternoons - would like to get over that. (Although - I am almost age 69 - perhaps afternoon fatigue is part of life..). Overall I am fit and still working - so looking at the Inspire as a solution that might make my sleep even better. Thanks for any advice. Also, I would appreciate being directed to any discussion groups of Inspire users. Thank you!
Update - and thanks to all who gave advice! I just saw a very nice and seemingly experienced ENT doctor who does the Inspire implant. After seeing the device in person (it's big to my eyes - I expected a microchip - but it's apparently the same size as a pacemaker, if that helps anyone visualize it), and seeing a diagram of the wires that run both to your chest and up through your jaw to your tongue, and hearing about adjustment issues, I'll stick with my CPAP! I think the Inspire is only for those who absolutely can't or won't use their CPAP. I've been using my CPAP for 5 years now, and while I don't love it, I wear it every night and will stick with it given the present state of Inspire surgery.
Also - I just purchased a new ResMed AirSense 10 Auto and really like it. Better than my 5 year old Philips DreamStation and its baggage of causing medical problems.
Finally - the cost of the Inspire? Doctor said $60,000 to $100,000, and all but a couple hundred dollars would be covered by my Medicare and Blue Cross supplement policy. But isn't that typical of medical costs? $60 to 100K? Seems like quite a range - you'd think there would be a more exact price. Maybe it reaches 100K if you have complications.
Anyway - thanks again to the community on this forum for helping me sort through things. Jane