(04-01-2016, 08:41 PM)Dawei Wrote: When I was pushing for an APAP, my pulmonologist's primary concern appeared to be fear that the pt. would set the pressures too high and this would result in central apneas. When we talked about him writing a script for an APAP for me, I agreed to the idea that HE would set the pressure range, and that seemed to relieve his primary concern in writing the script. What I don't know is whether his reason for being reluctant to prescribe an APAP is typical of sleep docs, or just his own view.
My Doctor also told me that in cases where Centrals are significant APAP is contra indicated because of the potential for higher pressure being set by the machine and resulting in more centrals. I ended up with the Autoset also, after we discussed everything.
Started CPAP Therapy April 5, 2016
I'd Rather Be Sleeping