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Hi Everyone,
I am using Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset with N20 Nasal Mask. But since March 8, I have been facing issues in the graphs I am getting in SleepyHead. Attached are the graphs from 25 April 2019 and 5 December 2018. When I check the usage of the machine it shows 1.56 hours used in the machine but I actually used the machine for 6.5 hours.
1. Why is there a breakage in the graph although my machine was working for 6.5 hours?
2. Is this a problem with the machine or the nasal mask as I have changed the mask recently and my max pressure is touching 20 most of the time?
Can you post a full screen shot of the day in question? It almost looks like a graphic glitch to me. Without seeing the rest of the charts and info on the left it is hard to tell. You can try right clicking the word "Pressure" on the left and choose reset graph layout.
Using FlashAir W-03 SD card in machine. You can download your data through wifi with FlashPAP or Sleep Master utilities.
I wanted to learn Binary so I enrolled in Binary 101. I seemed to have missed the first four courses.
(04-27-2019, 05:26 AM)ddsr Wrote: Hi Everyone,
I am using Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset with N20 Nasal Mask. But since March 8, I have been facing issues in the graphs I am getting in SleepyHead. Attached are the graphs from 25 April 2019 and 5 December 2018. When I check the usage of the machine it shows 1.56 hours used in the machine but I actually used the machine for 6.5 hours.
1. Why is there a breakage in the graph although my machine was working for 6.5 hours?
2. Is this a problem with the machine or the nasal mask as I have changed the mask recently and my max pressure is touching 20 most of the time?
I've seen this happen with SleepyHead before. That time it was a graphics problem on the user's computer. Two things to try: Right click on a graph title and select "100% zoom." Another possibility is to see if you have set any scaling in Windows display options. Try adjusting how much everything is enlarged or reduced there.