I've been a stranger and have not really been an active poster lately.
So, lately for the past 45 days or so, I've not been able to get more then 4.5 or 5 hours of sleep while using my machine, but damn do I feel great!
I have not used SleepyHead yet, my sleep Dr. assigned one of her RPN's to work with me, this man has gone out of his way to make time to see me whenever I want or need to!
I need to change the pressure settings in my profile as he has adjusted it a couple of times. When I am no longer being treated like i am their only patient I will set up SleepHead.
From the beginning of this latest journey that started with a referral from my personal doc to see a sleep doc has been about 10 months, after about seven months I became a voice they did not want to hear from, enough bitching and complaining they decided to turn things around and pay attention to my care!.
I will be lurking and learning like I have been for the last 4 months, again a big thanks to those who have directly helped me in the early days, Sleeprider, DeepBreathing and more i forget about, the advice has helped me in many ways! To all the others who ask questions, thank you! I would not have thought about many of them and have been educated well because of them.
SarcasticDave, how is your treatment working?
That's all for now, i will be around.
Mountain Charlie McKiernan