Another new user
Hello All,
I am new to the forum and thought I would say, "Hi". I am also new to CPAP. I received my diagnosis and prescription a week ago, quickly found this forum, and began researching equipment features and reviews before receiving my equipment.
I picked up my new ResMed S9 Autoset with Humidifier and ClimateLine yesterday, and last night was my first use. I can already tell I this is going to be very helpful!
Since finding this forum, I have:
* Taken the forum survey.
* Checked out the Apnea Board Wiki.
* Downloaded the ResScan software.
* Downloaded the S9 Clinician manual.
* Forwarded the forum link to my Dad (a ten year CPAP user).
* Read several posts and reviews.
Thank you for all the great posts and friendly community!
RE: Another new user
Zonk, Thank you! I have been all over this forum and somehow missed that particular document. This is fantastic.
RE: Another new user
Welcome, Matt. Wow, what a great fast start you've had to getting an Autoset from the get-go, downloading ResScan, etc. after just having been diagnosed. Many of us have had to go through more challenges (sometimes a lot more) to get cooperation from the doc and/or the DME to get to where you're starting off!
RE: Another new user
Hi Fest911 and WELCOME! to the forum.!
It is great to hear that you have taken such an interest in your therapy, it will go a long way , as you have discovered already.
CONGRATULATIONS! on getting an S9 AutoSet.