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Machine: Resmed autoset a10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F&P Evora Full Face, Resmed f20 airtouch Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 7-12 CPAP Software: ResScan
03-21-2020, 03:29 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2020, 03:32 AM by elliotg.)
Apnea clusters - cause?
I am attaching some screenshots from a session last night. My normal setup is a Resmed machine (previously S9 and now A10) with a nasal mask (Mirage Activa LT). For some years this has given me reasonable results (AHI normally below 1, sometimes 0) but with some large leaks. On moving to the A10 I noticed that the pressures where higher, as were the leaks. It was suggested that I try a full face mask there was some evidence that the leaks were due to me opening my mouth during the therapy.
These pictures were from a session with a Fisher & Paykel viterra full face mask and used with my second CPAP -- a Philips Respironic travel machine. On the previous night I had used the Resmed A10 with similar results - I chose this screenshot as it showed the problem more clearly (the Resmed run had more leaks which might confuse the picture a bit). Note the incredible number of Apneas that have occurred in a fairly short timespan. Last week I did another test with an Resmed F20 mask and got a similar cluster but that one was in a large leak event and hence were reported as unknown type apneas.
I have never had massive apnea clusters before. Normally they occur in ones or twos - never in a cluster over close to an hour. I definitely had a terrible night!!
Why should a change to a full face mask cause issues like this? I found it very disturbing. Any help in working out what is happening would be very mach appreciated.
G'day elliotg. Clusters like that are usually caused by poor sleeping posture - in particular tucking the chin down to the chest and causing compression on the wind-pipe. If it's come on suddenly, there may be a cause such as a new mattress or pillow, perhaps sleeping on your back rather than your side, etc. I think it's unlikely the mask has caused it.
In early 2014 I had already lost a lot of weight and did a sleep study. I still had sleep apnea, but I aced it.
Before I even got my sleep report, my numbers went bonkers with clusters of long duration OA’s. I stumbled onto a suggestion that a cervical collar can help keep an airway open based on a theory that the neck is tilted back for CPR. Had never heard of chin tucking back then.
I tried one and it solved the problem with clusters. I can only guess that losing the weight caused it, but it just happened out of nowhere.
Machine: Resmed autoset a10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F&P Evora Full Face, Resmed f20 airtouch Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 7-12 CPAP Software: ResScan