New here.
Working on getting my licence back after an unexplained accident in a work vehicle.
I apparently have sleep apnoea (seeing as a multitude of tests by assorted specialists can find nothing wrong with my cardio or neuro systems).
The diagnosis is that I have "mild SA".. and until something is found that can be officially medically managed the authorities won't reinstate my driver's licence, apparently testing 100% normal and fit is not enough to be allowed to drive.
So I'm now trying to learn and understand all about SA and the meanings of all the numbers and data I am building with my tests and CPAP machine trial.
But I'm disappointed to say that in actual fact I'm more tired and fatigued using the machine than I am when I don't use it.
As a commercial/professional driver it is of great concern that I'm going to be forced to comply with something that actually puts me at higher risk of an accident due to fatigue.
Anyway I'm bound to ask stupid questions that have all been asked before, but hopefully the knowledge base in this group will give me a better insight in to the whole SA thing.... and I promise to search before I ask a question about something (I've been on motorcycle forums for many years now, so know how to look for stuff )
(aka Steve or Stephen... and also answer to "Hey You!" )