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Archived SH Discussions [Q&A Thread from Sep-2011 thru May 2014]
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
Sleepster Wrote:
Sleepster,(time=1323697569) Wrote:I've downloaded and installed 0.8.8-3. I'll let you know if the problem recurs.
When I move the mouse pointer across any of the graphs on the Overview page, the screen blinks.

This happened just now when I launched SleepyHead. I closed the program, launched again, and the problem recurred. Closed again, launched for the third time, and problem as disappeared.
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark Wrote:Hmm.. it's a 2006 card, so it should function..

Perhaps try updating your video driver?

I know a lot of people are fond of WinXP, but it is over 10 years old and no longer receives bug fixes.
Perhaps it's time for an upgrade? :-/

There are free, faster and much more modern alternatives.
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
Sleepster Wrote:Thank you, Mark, for making this software available to us. I don't know what I'd do without it. I've been able to use it to monitor my progress, give feedback to my provider, and get my doctor to change my prescription. It's all good, thanks to you.

I also noticed that you listen to us. You fixed the units for the patient's height, and added the model number for my machine.

I realize that there's a commercial alternative to your software, but it's expensive, it's not supported, and it's complicated to install.

I hope the forum members here will help support your efforts by visiting your website and making a donation. Thank you.
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark Wrote:
cbramsey,(time=1324352174) Wrote:Downloaded Version 0.8.8-3 for OSX and installed it tonight. I deleted the previous version of SH software from the Applications folder and ran the .dmg file. Installed fine. When I started the software after installation, it said there was a Version 0.8.9 of the software.

The SourceForge page said that the latest version was 0.8.8-3.

Which version is the latest??? Dont-know

Thanks for your efforts to date.

You snuck an unofficial release.. We were testing the updater.. Smile

It should be ok to use.

Edit: there might be a couple of report glitches in that version which were just fixed today..
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark Wrote:
juggerwubba,(time=1324403062) Wrote:I just downloaded this software - I like it a lot!

Firstly I like the fact that I can use it on my laptop, rather than having to go down into the dark depths of the basement to use the old PC which was the only computer in the house that would run the Encore viewer software.

Secondly I really like the charts and graphs - This might begin to tell me why I feel better rested WITHOUT my CPAP running.

Just a couple of questions - What does "User Flag 1" represent? And what might an "unknown0B" represent?
I am using
Philips Respironics
System One 450P
RemStar Pro with C-Flex+
Mode: CPAP 13cmH2O


UserFlags is just a temporary experiment, and a proof of concept.. It's my flagging algorithm that processes the Flow Rate waveform, and picks up a few things the PRS1 missed.

There will be options in preferences that allow you to adjust the parameters for this algorithm to pick up more "apneas" and "hypopneas".

They are not counted towards the AHI or any other indexes....
For now, it's Just an attempt at trying to flag something "interesting" to look at in the flow waveform.

PRS1_0B is a type of event picked up by the PRS1 machine.. It's not documented, and doesn't seem to appear in Encore. It always appears in the same time position spot as a normal Hypopnea event..
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark Wrote:
haztek,(time=1324403284) Wrote:Just download SleepyHead software. I have a couple of questions about my results from last night.

AHI 3.07
Hypopnea 0.42
Obstructive 0.70
Clear Airway 1.95
RERA 0.14
PB/CSR 0.71%

I understand the AHI, but what do all the others mean?

If you hover over them with your mouse, most should display some popup tooltips.

RERA is Respiratory Effort Related Arousal.
PB/CSR is Periodic Breathing / Cheyne Stokes Respiration
Clear Airway is the PRS1's (mostly pathetic) attempt at detecting Central Apnea's, by using a pressure pulse algorithm.
Obstructive is an Obstructive Apnea event, where the airway fully or mostly closes
And, well, Hypopnea is a restriction in airflow that's not a total obstruction..

Google/Wikipedia/etc can give better answers than me.. as can most other users on this forum..

I just write the code.. I'm too foggy most of the time to know what any of it really means.. :}
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark Wrote:
juggerwubba,(time=1324404419) Wrote:Wait, so userflags is something your software flags, rather than the machine?

Correct. Very safe to Ignore them.. They got left on for that release, and at the time, I didn't feel like rebuilding it again just to turn it off..

Flow Waveform is in L/Min, inspiration's at the top, expirations at the bottom..

Unless I'm very mistaken.. Wink

RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
jedimark[/align Wrote:]
juggerwubba,(time=1324405571) Wrote:You misunderstand me - I want to take great notice of the userflags. As you say, they are when something interesting is happening, and seeing as my "official" AHI is not a good measure of my sleep, I am trying to find something other that OA and H to consider.

Your software is great for that!!

Can you give me a quick hint as to what is taken from the machine and what you work out...I am guessing that some of the graphs are produced by calculations from the data - but that the flow rate is actually recorded by the machine?

On the PRS1, The Respiratory Rate, Minute Ventilation and Tidal Volume are also calculated by my code from the Flow Rate waveform.. (along with UserFlags)

The rest comes from the machine..

All my extras are still a work in progress, but I did compare the graphs against an ASV machines graph calculations, and followed the trends fine.

The graphs are a little noisy, but there's unfortunately only a 5hz flow waveform to work with..
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
juggerwubba Wrote:This is awesome.

If I look at the flow rate graph, I see a lot more "events" than the machine logs - Assuming that an "event" is where the flow rate says at 0 for an appreciable time.

There are even more times when my breathing is just plain strange. - all intake, no exhale for 20 seconds......

I wish I knew more about the way the machine declares an OA - or why it chooses to give a pressure pulse when it does. (or doesn't)
RE: SleepyHead CPAP Reporting Software - JediMark [copied from old forum]
Sleepster Wrote:
haztek,(time=1324403284) Wrote:Just download SleepyHead software. I have a couple of questions about my results from last night.

AHI 3.07
Hypopnea 0.42
Obstructive 0.70
Clear Airway 1.95
RERA 0.14
PB/CSR 0.71%

I understand the AHI, but what do all the others mean?

Notice that the AHI is the sum of the next three items you listed. See the Sticky: Sleep Definitions Page for a more thorough explanation.

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