(03-29-2014, 05:24 PM)ds98765 Wrote: It feels like there may be a mismatch between one of the DLLs supplied with the program and one I am running - next I'm going to try shutting down all non-essential dlls (things that check printer status, update your applications on a scheduled basis, etc) and see if one of those is the problem. Whatever it is, it's not unique to me (I've seen this reported before) but it doesn't seem common.
Playing Sherlock here, the problem happens right after you select Profile. It might do so for security settings or display settings. You've looked into the security angle already. SH has preference settings for font styles, sizes, etc., which sounds like it ties in to the graphics/display settings in the operating system. Is it possible that it starts to initiate those settings in SH font preferences and crashes as a result? If so, perhaps I would try just temporarily setting a lower screen resolution and see if SH gets past the profile screen.
I'm assuming you haven't changed your graphics/display setup recently and SH settings are somehow incompatible. I'm just grasping at straws here looking at SH as just another software program. There are many in the Board who know so much more about SH and have been using it for years. Please give their suggestions a lot more credibility.