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Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
I've noticed a few fellow Aussies about the place posting and I have a question for you - if you use a humidifier do you use distilled water?

I've seen lots of posts from our US cousins here and in another forum that refer to using distilled water and it seems to be the norm there, I've even seen in a post somewhere that 'distilled water only' is printed on the top of the water chamber (the poster has the same make and model machine as I have)

When the tech went through the operating and care instructions with me no mention of using distilled water was mentioned nor is there any reference to distilled water being necessary in the user guide.

So I'm curious to know if our water is that different that it constitutes a necessity in the states to use distilled water but not here in Oz, or have I missed some critical point along the way?
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
Crist, you haven't missed anything, everyone has their own opinion to use distilled, boiled or tap water. I use distilled, I get 2lts from Coles for $1.59 and it lasts me 2 weeks, I empty and wash out the chamber twice a week and top up to just below the water level line each night. Distilled water is normally recommended but not everyone uses it. There are quite a few posts on it in this forum, some people talk about distilled water having taken all the minerals out. I have just done what was suggested to me when I got my CPAP just over 3 years ago and have never had any problems. Hope this helps.
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
We,re friendly lot around here but when comes to what water to put in our water tank, the friendliness goes out of the window Too-funny

The distilled water sold in local supermarkets say on the label, "not suitable for medical devices"
I use tap water, boiled and cooled, also use it in the sinus rinse bottle (slightly warmed in the micro wave), safe to use according to FDA
From U.S. Food and Drug Administration http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/Consumer...316375.htm
Questions and Answers
What types of water are safe to use in nasal rinsing devices?
* Distilled or sterile water, which you can buy in stores. The label will state “distilled” or “sterile.”
* Boiled and cooled tap water—boiled for 3-5 minutes, then cooled until it is lukewarm. Previously boiled water can be stored in a clean, closed container for use within 24 hours.

Okay, lets put some facts on the table and see what manufacturers say about this hot topic
From Fisher and Paykel http://www.fphcare.com/sleep-apnea/educa...t/faqs/#ns
Do I need to use distilled water in the chamber?
It is strongly recommended that you use distilled water in the chamber as it is free of minerals and will prolong the life of the chamber.
Using distilled water will also prevent mineral build-up on the inside of the chamber which can make it appear dirty. Distilled water is pure and therefore the most suitable to use. However, the use of normal tap water will not harm you but may cause the chamber to deterioate at a rate faster than expected

Can germs pass from the humidifier to me?
No, using a heated humidifier in line with your CPAP device will not cause you to become sick or give you germs.

From ResMed http://www.resmed.com/au/service_and_sup...c=patients

If I run out of distilled water, is it okay to use tap water to fill my water tub?
This depends on the type of humidifier. If you have a standard humidifier tub, it is recommended that you use distilled or deionised water.
If you have a cleanable tub, then tap water is perfectly fine for everyday use

[Please note, ResMed has changed the design of the standard water tub, now comes in two parts and can opened for cleaning
The main difference is that the cleanable tub comes in three parts with stainless steel bottom while the standard tub is aluminum bottom]
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
I use tap water, living in Canberra.

I think if you lived elsewhere and the water is particularly hard or poor quality, then it might be better to use distilled water.

Otherwise I do not see a problem with tap water so long as you wash out the tub/tank every day and do not top up and thus concentrate the impurities. There is a tub/tank you can get for the ResMed that is dishwater safe.

I really doubt that the tank will corrode if you wash/rinse it daily.

The tank I am using is not magnetic so it is either stainless steel (it comes apart into 3 parts)or aluminium - it won't be aluminium as the one I have can be put in the dishwasher and aluminium is not dishwasher safe.
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
I'm using distilled bought at the local IGA supermarket 2 litres for A$1.79.
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
From my experience, in Sydney, distilled water is not readily available although deionized water is common in supermarkets. I have only ever used tap water in my dishwasher safe humidifier tank which I empty and rinse daily and wash weekly with detergent. After 1 year of use the humidifier tank and all parts appear just as when I 1st started to use them with no discolouration of the plastic parts or any build up of minerals or residues in the stainless steel tank.
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
Thanks for the replies Thanks good to know I didn't miss something important at that first appointment with the tech when I was so sleep deprived. Pleased to say that's changed a lot these past few weeks Big Grin
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
CPAP humidifier water
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
Hi Crist, I know you have plenty of answers but thought I would add mine to the mix.
I use filtered water and have done since February this year. All seems to be going ok.
If I didn't have the filtered tap I think my next option would be, like Zonk, boiling and cooling the water.
I have been to Tasmania and you have beautiful water.
Sleep Tight...
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RE: Australian forum members - a question about humidifier use
(07-24-2014, 05:27 PM)Gabby Wrote: I have been to Tasmania and you have beautiful water.
Sorry going OT but cannot be help on this occasion when talking about beautiful water
Recently Tassie whiskey named the best whiskey at the world prestigious whiskey awards in London

Yes, its all in the beautiful water, most pure

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