OSCAR Daily report
Detailed/zoomed report on CA Events
1. Waking up feeling like unable to breathe. So far I have only been able to sleep 1-4 hours at most with CPAP, averaging around 2 hours, with a few nights where I just can't fall asleep with the mask. When I wake up in the middle of the night while using CPAP, I feel like I can't breathe. Then I struggle for the next hour to get comfortable and go back to sleep, which results in me taking the mask off and falling asleep without it. If I wake up again, sometimes I'll try putting the mask back on, but it's hit or miss. What could cause this? Anything in the report that could explain it, or anything which needs to be adjusted?
2. Nose blockage and breathing. I saw an ENT a couple years ago for something unrelated to sleep. ENT noticed that I had a deviated septum, and asked if I had trouble breathing. It wasn't an issue at the time, so he said we didn't have to do anything if it wasn't bothering me. I am now wondering if this needs to be addressed. Since I started using CPAP, the pressure has made me very aware of the blockage in one of my nostrils. I am using a full face mask so that I can breathe through my mouth if needed. But I still feel very uncomfortable when trying to fall asleep with the blockage in my nose and I am wondering if this is why I am waking up feeling like I can't breathe when using CPAP. Would this type of nasal issue affect CPAP and my ability to use it correctly? Is there any indication of this in the report?
3. CA events. I'm seeing a lot of CA events in succession for a long period. For clarity I've included a second screenshot that is zoomed in on a few of the CA events. What could be causing that?
4. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. The report shows a Cheyne-Stokes breathing event for about an hour. None of my other reports from the past couple weeks have this. Is this something to be concerned about?
5. Misc. Anything else notable in the report that you think is important? Anything that should change with CPAP settings based on issues mentioned above (e.g. waking out of breath, CA events, nose blockage, etc.).
Thank you!