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Bleep Eclipse
Bleep Eclipse
[DME-operated sales generation video removed, per Apnea Board rules]

The Eclipse is the next gen of the Bleep DreamPorts and as a beta tester, I can honestly say I LOVE it! I know that some who tried the DreamPorts said they were too fiddly, sometimes difficult to get completely clicked in. When I first started using the the DreamPorts, I didn't really have any issues, but then I developed painful arthritis in my hands (actually just ONE finger!  Oh-jeez), but that was enough to affect my fine motor dexterity and suddenly I was having trouble with everyday activities like typing (this hurts!) and putting on my DreamPorts! The Eclipse completely does away with that! SO EASY!! Attach the Halo adhesives (pretty much the same as the DreamPort adhesives) but the Eclipse practically attaches itself in no time at all...get it close and it's on!  like Another benefit for me is that it is shorter (closer to the face) than the orginal, so as a side/stomach sleeper who buries her face into the bed/pillow, it is that much more comfortable, just a bit closer to the bed. Maybe not an issue for most people but I noticed it.

I can't wait until it's available for general use...I will definitely be ordering!

Feel free to ask me questions about my experience!

Moderator Action: DME Video Link Removed

To maintain our status as an educational organization, links to DME-owned or DME-operated websites and links to pages or videos that promote the sale of prescription-required items are prohibited in forum posts.  This is stated in the Apnea Board Rules.

RE: Bleep Eclipse
Thanks for the post.

I do very well with the Dream Ports, but I like the idea that the Eclipse will be flat against my nose until I attach the mask.  That makes kissing my wife in bed lots easier!  (Not that we haven’t figured out to work around the tubes of the Dreamports).

I’ve sent an email to Stuart to see how to pre-order.  I’ve got enough supply of Dreamports until summertime in the meantime.

- SleepyCPAP
RE: Bleep Eclipse
Hey, those kisses are important!

Should be able to pre-order on the 24th. 

I've set a calendar reminder Too-funny
RE: Bleep Eclipse
Wouldn't work for me as I frequently cannot breathe through my nose. Also, most medical-grade adhesives give me an itchy rash if worn for more than 30mins or so. Even the sticky dots used for ECGs leave me with itchy blobs.

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