RE: P10 vs AHI accuracy
Hi Alan: I had the same experience going from F10 FFM to a P10 nasal pillows. My 95% pressure dropped so much that I could easily transition to a straight pressure with aflex.
It's not a flaw in the P10. Typically if your apnea is caused by some upper airway resistance (like nasal valve collapse), it is more easily treated by direct application of pressure to the nose thus requiring less pressure to achieve the same effect.
Enjoy the P10. And welcome to the cult. Resistance is futile!
PRS1 Auto & Dreamstation Auto w/ P10 and straight pressure of 8cm
RE: P10 vs AHI accuracy
I went to the P10 from a Simplus FFM and my numbers dropped. After several months of use, I started using the Simplus again and my numbers have remained low. I feel good so "I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth".
RE: P10 vs AHI accuracy
The machine has better feedback for events with less volume in the delivery system. I saw a reduction going from the Swift LT to the Airfit P10, so I don't think it's your imagination.