Here are 3 consecutive days of sleep.
They range from a good night sleep to a bad night sleep.
Sept 2 was the best sleep and best numbers.
Sept 3 was the second best sleep and worst numbers. The first half of the night was excellent sleep and the last half was not that bad either. I knew I had awakened and having problems so I got up for a few minutes and then finished the night reletively good.
Sep 4 was the worst sleep and middle of the road AHI. Woke up many times and was restless most all night.
I thought I had this thing under control in June and July when I had my AHI under 1 for several weeks with several zero's. Now my AHI numbers are going the wrong way. However, I still think my sleep is improving and I am just sleeping through a few of the apnea's.
I am beginning to think the change in pressure or high (for me) pressure is causing me to wake too often. I have closed down the pressure range some but not below my minimum or maximum.
I am thinking I should narrow the range AND lower my maximum pressure. I have had only 1 or 2 obstructive apneas in the past several weeks so I am thinking my minimum pressure stopping them and any pressure above that could be responsible my waking. I know 10 cm is not much pressure but then again I am 6ft tall and weigh 187 and should not take much to keep my airways open.
How does changing pressure and/or high pressure affect your sleep quality.