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[CPAP] Just something new I learned.
Just something new I learned.
My humidifier is the passover type, and I usually do not use any heat for it. We had a bit of odor in the bedroom due to come cleaning material, so I added about two drops of SCOPE mouthwash when I filled the tank that night. Wonderful! Makes the air seem crisp and fresh, and much more pleasant. Try it and see what you think! Sleep-well
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RE: Just something new I learned.
It's meant as a mouthwash... probably not best to breathe it into ones lungs.
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JustMongo passed away in August 2017
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RE: Just something new I learned.
Agreed. Most mouthwash contain things that one should not be breathing in.
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RE: Just something new I learned.
I generally agree with not adding stuff to the humidifier water. However, if you rinse your mouth with it, you'll probably have more than a few drops left in your mouth and you'll be breathing or swallowing it the rest of the day.

If it's just a few drops, it's probably not going to be a health problem, although you might end up with a smell in the tubing and your mask. I'd be careful to keep the concentration really low.

Actually, I probably wouldn't do it at all, myself.
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RE: Just something new I learned.
There are several aroma therapy products around that are intended for with CPAP. The don't go inside the humidifier however, but are placed on a diffuser located near the air intake. This might be safer than mouth wash given that it's intended for inhalation. Webmd discusses the general topic and a search on "CPAP aroma therapy" will turn up a variety of products.

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RE: Just something new I learned.
Hi johno0230,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
I don’t know that I would put anything other than water in my humidifier.
Best of luck to you with your CPAP therapy.
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RE: Just something new I learned.
I went to my supplier today. He recommended 2-3 drops of V*cks Vapo Steam liquid to my H5 water. He is a Resmed dealer and reports doing this for years with zero equipment related problems. He said this is a great help for nasal congestion. I will try it and let you know.
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RE: Just something new I learned.
(11-06-2014, 11:31 PM)Flatheaddog Wrote: I went to my supplier today. He recommended 2-3 drops of V*cks Vapo Steam liquid to my H5 water. He is a Resmed dealer and reports doing this for years with zero equipment related problems. He said this is a great help for nasal congestion.

I would like to know if that works for folks. I've tried putting a dab of V*cks Vapo Rub on a Q-tip and putting it near the air intake of my ResMed. I could not tell any difference in my mild congestion. It did a good job of masking other temporary odors.
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RE: Just something new I learned.
After battling with congestion " have some polyps on one side that need taken out again, but not while Ebola is flying the friendly skies" I personally found out what works for me. Vicks vapo steam or vicks will make you feel like your breathing easier but its not a decongestant at all and doesnt claim to be anymore. It simply gives a cool feeling to your breathing that feels like more air. I tried it but other than the menthol cooling thing the actual effort to get air didnt change any if at all.

I personally have had way better success with preheating the water and going to max humidity which on my machine is 90 percent humidity. With a low hose temp setting.
Hot air seems to make swelling worse for me. So temp stays low and humidity high when im stuffed up.
Gets me relieve on the side with no polyps in about 2 to 5 minutes. Not much in the way of air flow for the other side possible but even that side will open enough to breathe some thru while on the machine.

Just what works for me and I am the original Snuffalupagous LOL
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RE: Just something new I learned.
(11-07-2014, 11:51 PM)Ghost1958 Wrote: After battling with congestion " have some polyps on one side that need taken out again, but not while Ebola is flying the friendly skies" I personally found out what works for me. Vicks vapo steam or vicks will make you feel like your breathing easier but its not a decongestant at all and doesnt claim to be anymore. It simply gives a cool feeling to your breathing that feels like more air. I tried it but other than the menthol cooling thing the actual effort to get air didnt change any if at all.

I personally have had way better success with preheating the water and going to max humidity which on my machine is 90 percent humidity. With a low hose temp setting.
Hot air seems to make swelling worse for me. So temp stays low and humidity high when im stuffed up.
Gets me relieve on the side with no polyps in about 2 to 5 minutes. Not much in the way of air flow for the other side possible but even that side will open enough to breathe some thru while on the machine.

Just what works for me and I am the original Snuffalupagous LOL

2009: Influenza A/H1N1 leaves me with damaged lungs at about 65% capacity. Congestion lowers my SpO2 and I sleep poorly.

Advised against using anything that is not intended for breathing in.

Tried using max humidification and room temperature air setting. Without exception I awake with clear sinus' and lungs in great shape generally without congestion. Highly recommended from here as well. High humidity + room temp = good night of sleep. Works for me.

Educate, Advocate, Contemplate.
Herein lies personal opinion, no professional advice, which ALL are well advised to seek.

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