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09-30-2024, 05:37 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2024, 05:37 AM by twomashi.)
Please help understanding OSCAR data; AHI 5.5 and still drowsy -_-
Hi guys,
Been using the Resmed for about 6 months now, and initially I definitely saw an improvement, but lately it's not been going so well. I am drowsy all day, no mental energy.
I'd say that most of the apnea is related to weight, it's spiralled out of control over the last few years and currently BMI at 34.1 so that's not helping any.
Anyway, here's my data, it tends to fluctuate a bit but last night was pretty typical. Oh, my sleep hygiene is terrible. I am lounging around in bed all the time. Not sure how much difference that makes w/r/t apnea.
RE: Please help understanding OSCAR data; AHI 5.5 and still drowsy -_-
Welcome to the forum...
I would start by raising your minimum pressure to 10cm and the maximum to 15cm. You are having apneas and you are snoring so you need more pressure. You are having too many leaks and even small leaks can cause some arousals. I would also start trying to get by without the ramp, you get no treatment when the ramp is on.
You are having some Clear Airways, did your sleep test show several CA's? If not they may be treatment related and most of them should go away in time.
RE: Please help understanding OSCAR data; AHI 5.5 and still drowsy -_-
Yeah, increase min pressure, and it would be helpful to know if those clear airway events are due to obstruction or central-related. I think you also already understand where perhaps the lion's share of your answer may lie. Nonetheless, pressure needs should be reviewed at least once per year as things change.
RE: Please help understanding OSCAR data; AHI 5.5 and still drowsy -_-
Thanks all. Yea, I had read about the CA question, I will ask the sleep techs for that data.
I have increased the min pressure to 11, and it does seem like the events/hr might have dropped a bit to 3 ish. But still feel like crap upon waking.
The mask seal with the Dreamwear nasal cushion isn't great; I actually have an Airfit P30i but I find it to be very loud (both small and medium sizes) on exhale? Maybe I will try sleeping with it again but it didn't work the first time.
When I wake up I just feel groggy and not refreshed. Like before I started treatment.