Your use of the English language is very good.
I am not intimately familiar with the Air Sense 10 autoset for Her. I understand it has unique algorithms that slow the response of the pressure adjustments to make it easier on the user.
We have other members who are very experienced with this machine and it's capabilities, I am sure they will chime in here in a few days.
Meanwhile when you post the sleep report for the night be sure to also include a couple of 3 or 4 minute views of her flow rate that also capture an Obstructive Apnea or Hypnea event.
I feel you will have to have the higher pressure to fully address the OA and H events, with some other changes in parameters to address the flow limitations. there again I am not fully familiar with that particular machine.
Meanwhile read as much on Oscar therapy reports as you can. There are discussions on wave shapes as you read through the link. This is a lot of information to absorb, I have had to read through it several times to begin to grasp the relationship of therapy pressures, pressure relief, timing and response speed, to the desired effects on OA, H, CA, and flow limits.
Hang in there, it takes a some time to get acclimated to the therapy pressure and fit of the mask.