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For context this is my first posting. Have been using my APAP (AirSense 10) for roughly six months as of writing. This was on the back of an at home sleep study that showed an AHI of 11 alongside an RDI of 24. While I feel better using the device than without - I still experience a near chronic sense of fatigue that's indepdent of how much sleep I get per night. Note I am young (25) and on the leaner side.
Have attached an example of a typical night below. From what I've taken away on the literature, I have also decided to order a bipap machine (resmed aircurve 10 vauto) in hopes it could offer some net benefit.
Any advice is extremely appreciated. Going through life with this fatigue feels like slogging through mud with a giant weight on my back.
If you have a copy of your sleep study, would you please post it? I notice that your AHIs are nearly all central apneas. If this was the case in your sleep study then you may need another type of machine, but likely not a bi-level machine. Lots of folks show lots of CAs when they are new at using a pap machine, and often those go away or greatly decrease over time.
How many centrals did you have in your sleep study?
Have you tried fixed pressure?
There's still a considerable amount of flow limit, which we would ideally increase IPAP to resolve, but you don't have your bipap yet, so you could turn on EPR, if it's not on already. You can find it in device settings. Side note, when you post your pictures, try to include more charts in one pic, and also collapse the calendar so that we can see your device settings, as those are important when considering how to tackle things.