After the many months it takes here to go through the process of getting an appointment with a GP, to get a referral to a respirologist, to getting the appointment, to first being sent for a home sleep study which at the follow-up appointment revealed itself to be inconclusive with and AHI of 8, followed by a referral for a proper overnight hospital polysomnography, the result was revealed another month later by said respirologist to be 35.2, which led to a prescription of 7-15 cmH2O.
Luckily, I had purchased an identical back-up machine for US$383 late last autumn from Amazon before the industry put the kibosh on that, so I pulled it out of the closet and set everything up via the open sesame clinician's settings, originally obtained through the good auspices of this board. I set her up for starters with a Respironics Nuance Pro nasal pillow mask I had tried last year for about a week before moving on to other masks, but for her I unsealed an unused set of small size pillows that it had come with.
Last night, she was finally set to sail for her maiden voyage on the sea of CPAP.
The new profile i created for her this morning in Sleepyhead gave her an AHI of .85. Big difference.
So, anyone else in a similar situation, whereby you have his and her CPAP machines, or suspect it might be on the horizon?
Vote in the poll.