Hi everyone,
reviving my topic to ask for some advice. Since we adjusted my device I started getting pretty good results and I have pretty consistently felt less horrible in the mornings. I still feel like crap, no energy and never wake up rested but I do not wake up with headaches and muscle pains anymore, definitely also a bit more rested.
So therapy is definitely doing something, its not amazing but its a pretty big improvement from before
Now I run into a different problem though. Since we raised the pressure on my device it got really loud. I tried different masks, tried comparing it with a different machine but its always the same. Maybe I am just sensitive but the noise got to a point where if I woke up during the night I could not continue sleeping with the mask anymore.
The technician from the company where I got the CPAP set up the ramp feature for me in order to keep the machine less noisy. This has helped A LOT. I was honestly thinking of giving up on CPAP before this.
I was wondering if having the ramp option turned on has any negative effects on my therapy ? Could someone take a look a the last 3 days and let me know if they see any events during the ramp up time? As you will notice I turn the device off a couple of times during the night in order to start the ramp up time again so that I can fall asleep again.
My Resmed AirFit n30i has been leaking during the night lately and blowing air in my eyes, I think that this is whats waking me up all the time. I contacted my provider to replace the mask because I have been using it for a year now and qualify for another free one.
ps. last night I didnt use the CPAP for too long because I kept getting leaks in my eyes and I couldnt manage to get a good seal, so I finally gave up on it around 4am and continued sleeping without it. needless to say, I feel like crap today.