Can this AHI be right?!
So I've been having a hard time finding a mask I can sleep with since starting with my AutoSense for Her Jan 16. The one I keep going back to is the Nuance Pro, which I have trouble keeping on my head (back strap slips up on the too slippery). But very low leak rate and much less discomfort on my nasal bridge and pretty much none on my nostrils compared to any other nasal pillows I've tried.
Anyway, the last few nights, my AHI has not been great, 7.37 and 3.25. But last night, for my nighttime sleep (I tried to take a nap during the afternoon), I had NO events! Can that possibly be correct? I'm attaching all three charts.
I still wake up multiple times per night and have difficulty getting back to sleep, hence the attempt to nap yesterday.
Also, I don't really understand how Flow Limitation relates to the other graphs, since it seems to be high and all over the place. Is that something I should be trying to address as well? Thanks for any help.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
The 3rd chart shows the telltale signs of the CPAP being turned off and restarting hours latter. Try placing your CPAP where you cannot easily reach it if this continues.
Flow limit is an "event" that will cause pressure to rise because your air flow is limited and will lead to an apnea event if not addressed.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
In the 3rd chart, I took a nap about 12:45 in the afternoon then went to bed for the night at 10 pm. That is why there is the big gap. But there are no events showing from 10 pm to when I took the mask off close to 3 am because I woke up uncomfortable and couldn't get back to sleep. Can that be correct?
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
While it is indeed possible to have a zero AHI, my bet is the machine hiccuped. Unplug the machine from the wall, then from the back of the machine itself. Wait about a minute. Plug it into the machine then into the wall. The S-9s had a habit of doing this.
As for the rest of it, my suggestion is to up your minimum pressure just a tad. You have a minimum of 8 yet your 95% is around 13ish and your median is around 11 or 12. If it were mine, I would raise the minimum to, say 10 or 11. Your max is 16 and you are not hitting that yet it isn't too high up. So leave that alone.
I also use the Nuance. They used to make that back strap very sticky to make it stay in place but it got gross quickly, especially after washing. They've removed a lot of that tackiness, thank gawd. Try loosening it so it is not as tight around your head yet still tight enough in pulling up. Watch YouTube videos on it, too.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
On Tuesday you went from 3:15 to 5 AM without any events so yes, and you have done it before.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
It might be helpful if you changed the scale on the leak rate for your SleepyHead graphs. Then, insert a horizontal axis at y=24. It'll be easier to see how your leaks are working through the night.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
Your flow limitations may respond better at EPR of 3, but you should also raise minimum pressure. It looks like your pressure should be at 10 cm to prevent some of the obstructive events. EPR will help with FL and hypopnea, but pressure has to be high enough. Your OA events appear to cluster, so you might be a candidate for positional apnea therapy using a soft cervical collar.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
Thank you, everyone, for the suggestions! I have reset the machine, set my minimum pressure to 10, an EPR to 3. I also reset the Y axis on my Flow Limitations graph. Hopefully this will all help. I will post results tomorrow!
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
OK, so zero events was a mistake. Resetting the machine "fixed" it.
I didn't get much sleep last night, pretty much as usual. Awake (at the very least!) ~12:30-1245, ~1:35-2:00, ~2:30-3:00, ~4:00-6:00. Longest period asleep was probably about 1-1/2 hours. Total sleep time, MAYBE 4 hours? Possibly just a bit more since I tried to sleep a little once I took off my mask. That is pretty typical of my sleep pattern for the last as long as I can remember. I don't know when I last slept more than a couple of hours at a time <sigh>. Nights are endless!
The increased pressure was a little difficult at the beginning. It felt kind of like a reverse balloon--I was being blown up! My nasal passages felt like they were expanding and every few minutes a puff of air would work its way out of my mouth. But during the night, no problems. Hopefully no more issues tonight.
RE: Can this AHI be right?!
Last couple of nights were SO different! Friday night was so awful, I was in tears and I despaired of ever being able to this (3 am and wake for hours is not conducive to a positive mental attitude!). High AHI and exhaustion-- I only slept for about 2-1/2 hours (an hour, awake for a while, then slept another hour and a half, woke and couldn't sleep again. I did eventually put the mask on again for a little while and dozed.)--didn't help.
Fortunately, l ast night was much better! I did still have multiple wakings, but they seemed shorter-lived than usual. I am still having trouble with the back strap of the mask slipping and now the pillows need adjusting a lot more, so every time I turn over (I am a restless stomach/side sleeper), that wakes me even more. But I am in a much more positive frame of mind today! AHI below 5, more sleep, mask on all night. All good things...and no tears!