Here's a detailed history of where I left things a few years ago. @Sleeprider and the rest of the brain trust were exceptionally helpful in helping me understand and get the VPAP optimized.
My last post in this forum (from February 2019) could have been written in February this year. Around March/April, I started sleeping on my back due to hip and back issues. My back and hips (and shoulders - to be young again) much prefer back sleeping. My sleep apnea, maybe not so much. I use a soft cervical collar. Perhaps I need to switch soft cervical collars from the Caldera Realeaf to something else. I replace the collar about every 3 months. After replacing the collar 2 months ago, there were no significant change in the centrals.
Since I started sleeping on my back, I have many clustered centrals. These could be positional, or then maybe not...
When I wake up, I try to keep the machine with hopes of returning to sleep. My pattern is to sleep 4-5 hours, wake up (no urgent need to go to the bathroom), and keep the machine on for 30-60 minutes. If I fall back asleep, GREAT. If not, then I tend to get out of bed until I'm tired, and then try to return to sleep. sometimes I fall back asleep, and sometimes I don't. This past night (September 5), I did not fall back asleep.
Five hours of sleep isn't uncommon. I try to take a 20-minute nap during the day to offset the fatigue.
I would very much appreciate any insights you can provide with regard to machine optimization or confirmation that my centrals are positional.