Because SleepyHead on the Mac cannot upload a recording taken on the CMS50D I've been collecting overnight recordings attached to the computer. But the data raises some troubling concerns. Two issues arise: 1) the SpO2 graph is inconsistent with the alerts, and 2) export does not provide any data.
Issue 1 is illustrated by my first two figures. The figure "SleepyHead - SpO2 drop events" shows 16 'drop' events during one night. However, zooming the SpO2 graph shows no drops at these events. I've looked at most of them, and they all look like figure "No drop event in SpO2 graph zoomed to 1-27-40", which shows no sign of the drop event reported at 01:27:40 or any change in SpO2 at this time. This raises the question Are these drops real or are they artifacts? If they're real, I'd like to know because they may have health implications. And if they're not real, the SleepyHead detection method appears to be buggy.
A related question is What is the sampling rate? By its flashing, it appears that the CMS50D samples at 1 Hz., but that's just a guess. The CMS-50E user manual does not report its sampling rate. The sampling rate is important because it would help understand the SpO2 graphs.
To investigate this further, I exported the data, which raises issue 2: export does not provide any data. I used the "CVS export wizard" with both Detailed and Daily options, and none of them contain any data. Please see the "Empty SleepyHead downloads" screenshot.
I know that SleepyHead is open-source software, and that support is not available. I'm a skilled programmer, but unfortunately I don't have time to work on SleepyHead. Perhaps I could find someone else to work on it.
I'm using SleepyHead v1.0.0-beta-2; Build Date: Apr 21 2016 11:02:02; Revision: cb213cc (master branch), and running it on OSX Yosemite 10.10.5.