The RS01 writes a file named after the recording start time in the format MMDDHHMM.BIN. The files are made of 256-byte records, one after another for each second recorded. So far, all the understood values are little endian.
<offset> <length> <value> <description>
0x00 2 0xFFFF ? Seems constant.
0x02 2 0x0100-? Record counter. Resets on power cycle.
0x04-0x66 2 - 50 2-byte values relating to the pressure sensor.
0x68 2 - Heart rate.
0x6A 2 - Peripheral oxygen saturation.
0x6C-0xE2 2 - 60 2-byte values relating to the photoplethysmogram.
0xE4 2 0x0400 ? Seems constant.
0xE6 8 - ? Always zero except for in first record written since power cycle. Significantly different each time.
0xEE 2 0x0000 ? Seems constant.
0xF0 6 - ? Seems constant.
0xF6 2 - File creation / start timestamp: last two digits of year.
0xF8 2 0x0100-0C00 File creation / start timestamp: month.
0xFA 2 0x0100-1F00 File creation / start timestamp: day of month.
0xFC 2 0x0000-1700 File creation / start timestamp: hour [00-23].
0xFE 2 0x0000-3B00 File creation / start timestamp: minute.
I'm not sure if the pressure and SpO2 data really represent a 50 & 60Hz recording.
Unfortunately, I have to warn that it arrived with malware on it. See "Malware found on Contec RS01" in the Main Apnea Board Forum.