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Cpap need help
Cpap need help
Hi I have sleep apena, I've been using a machine for at least 8 months. It's been going ok, but now I'm having issues. I'm ok with wearing the mask I'm use to it, but once again I'm having the same issue I had a few months ago. I wake up feeling like I'm suffocating,and closterfobic I can't breath or having a hard time breathing. I try to ignore it and go back to sleep,but the more ingore it the worse it gets . I called my Rt, she didn't help me and didn't listen to me so my cpap dr is away. I've also noticed my events per hour,have gone up they went from 0.0 to 0.6 1.1. I know that's not a big deal because it's under 5 but my events per hour are climbing. Also I wake up feeling very stuffy plugged. I also have bumped my humility up as well and it hasn't helped help.
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RE: Cpap need help
Welcome the Apnea Board,  We can and will help you.

We know very little about you, or your therapy other than you say the numbers are great but you are suffocating.
Please download OSCAR and organize your daily chart per the Organize link in my signature.  
Post these here and we will have some actual data on which to base advice for your therapy.

My guess says that you need more pressure, but how much and which settings to alter is hard to say without data from OSCAR.
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