I've been on CPAP/APAP 13 years, new machine, some great improvement, but trying to figure out some really bad nights. After a couple of weeks tweaking my new machine, with my AHI typically below 1.0 and feeling pretty dialed in, I'm concerned about times where my CAs and total time-in-apnea have zoomed and I am seeing my respiratory rate drop from my usual ~14 to ~7 for extended periods, sometimes when I think I was awake, sometimes when I think I was asleep. This happens sometimes when there are no apneas corresponding. I wake feeling slammed and very tired the next day.
Opinions appreciated.
- Are my low respiration rates unusual? From what I read that's half the normal respiration rate.
- Do my CAs look real or are they just “junk”? Last night (AHI 7.4) there were some rapid-fire long CAs/low RR for a significant period.
Last night zoomed. Note the event list - one CA over 30 seconds long.
More of this screen Overview 2 Overview 3
Looking back at earlier sessions, I have often seen drastically worse results after my common 3am wakeup returning to bed. I also often but not always see my respiration rate low at beginning and end of night and during periods when I was sleepless with mask on. A night with good AHI but big respiratory rate drop for about 2 hours (no CAs)
I have my 7 week-old Airsense 10 Auto dialed in pretty well with better results than my old machine, and have been watching the new data closely with Sleephyead. I've ended up with enough variability in results to be focusing on sleep hygiene and positional issues. I haven't changed machine settings in 4 weeks. I've kept a sleep journal and my 'bad' nights have generally correlated with poor sleep hygiene (NOT the last to really bad nights.)
I was diagnosed with OSA 13 years ago and have been on an auto-PAP since then. My sleep quality has been pretty variable, but vastly better than nothing. Having little useful support from sleep doc I've been actively lurking online and have had things dialed in for quite a while, not paying much attention but always compliant.
I replaced my 2000 hr S8 Autoset 2 (8/14, EPR-3, with results AHI ~7.5, AI ~0.3, avg pressure 10.6, leak ~ 7-8 L/m. My current settings: Pressure- 8-14, EPR ON - full time - 2, Response- soft, ramp- OFF. I saw substantial improvement in the first few weeks enabling EPR and bumping up 1 to 2. Similarly "soft" response had a big impact.