Had a huge snoring problem but always sleep on my back and still do. I bought a tongue retainer and use it every night and the snoring ended. I have had bouts of atrial fib.
I purchased a finger oximeter with telemetry and monitor my sleep at night a couple of times a week.
The only medications I take are for ulcerative colitis, cholesterol, a low dose aspirin and vitamins. My cholesterol with 10 mgs of Crestor averages 128/56.
My pressure runs between 110/71 to 123/64. My pulse, 63 to 70. Resting oxygen is in 96 to 97 range. Exercising it drops a little to around 93.
Nighttime is a problem. I sleep well, 8 to 9 hours average, except some nights trips to the bathroom for bladder evacuation.
Last night's reading shows 176 events, 111.3 time in events, artifact 0.2, adjusted index of 22.6.
Basal Sp0s is 92.7 percent, time less than 88% is 12.1 minutes, events less than 88% is 49, minimum is 78, average low is 88.6. Average pulse rate is 63.7 and low pulse is 43.
Comments please.