My first experience of this test was early in 2000 & it was an uninspiring process. Having completed the "Epworth Sleepiness Test" at around 1100hrs I got into bed in a darkened room & instructed to go to sleep. Thereafter they would wake me every 20 mins to see if I could get back to sleep again. This process was repeated 5 times. Unsurprisingly the result for me was negative.
!4 years later: Before an MSLT can be undertaken, the patient first must have a full PSG the night before to establish the quality of sleep the patient enjoyed the previous night. After completing a questionnaire, enduring a spirometry, & a test for nasal restriction, the patient enters the sleep lab. The following morning after breakfast etc. the patient returns to bed, only this time most of the sensors from the PSG are left attached so when sleep occurs, they know. Having satisfied the requirement that valid sleep has occurred, the patient is woken. The next session would be in 2 hrs time & the patient is warned of its approach 10 mins before. At the appropriate time, the testing equipment is re-calibrated and the patient told to sleep.
This whole process is repeated 4 more times, the results collated & sent to your sleep doc.
Preparation of results must be a complicated affair because a week later my doc has not yet received them