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I'm a 52M on a benzo withdrawal. I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea with a home sleep study and got a ResMed AirSense 10 AutoPap. Since I've been on it,it feels like it's not working. I also got an Wellue o2 ring to monitor my o2 and HR. It looks like my o2 sat levels keeps dipping to around 87-88 at it's lowest. Can you look at my data?
3 hours ago (This post was last modified: 2 hours ago by super7pilot. Edited 1 time in total.)
RE: Don't Know If CPAP Therapy Is Working
I would wait for the benzo to clear and give it some time. I was on that crap for 10 years and even at the minimal dose I was on (1mg every 8 hrs) I had bad withdrawls.
There are other treatment options for 'mild' apnea. look up the excite osa device. It's like a tens unit that strengthens the tongue.
Also, CPAP therapy does take time to get used to and varies quite a bit from person to person. Your body has to relearn how to breathe properly under pressurized air.
I have been on my machine over a month and I'm still getting used to it. My apnea numbers under treatment are very low. But fully restful sleep is slow in coming.