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Dreamworks strangeness...
Dreamworks strangeness...
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but...

I've been using a DreamStation 1 for years, and I started using Philips' DreamWorks app a few months ago. It was frustrating in that it would not give me AHI numbers, and even the report would only show a bar graph. I complained to the folks at Philips, and they told me that the device did not store the numbers. I asked here, and was told the same thing.

My DS2 arrived this morning (yes, Sunday delivery... strange), so I put my SD card into the DS2 and let it download my settings from my doctor while I was in church. I came back after church and lunch and set up my phone (DreamWorks app) to talk to the DS2, and suddenly I was seeing AHI numbers for all of my OLD data on my phone's screen! I can now scroll back through my data and it shows me the AHI numbers, so they have to be there somewhere.

Anyway, I just wanted to toss this out to folks if they were curious... and for those of you who are still waiting for your replacements for your DS1s, once you get a DS2 you will be able to see your AHI numbers on your phone at least, though I still cannot see the OLD AHI numbers from the DS1 in Oscar. I just received the DS2 this morning, so I can't tell you yet what Oscar will show me for the DS2, but I'll report back in the morning when I wake up.
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