RE: how to increase AHI during sleep study
they say if you don't use your cpap for 3 days prior to sleep test, that the body returns to baseline. It is a requirement for some testing.
RE: how to increase AHI during sleep study
i have heard the same thing as ajack, that the doctor even said, make sure you are not using the CPAP for 3 or more days. just don't drive yourself.
also, some doctors do recognize that respiratory disturbances include Respiratory Effort Related Arousals (RERAs), and will prescribe CPAP therapy for RDI greater than 15. RDI is the combination of the AHI and the RERAs. I don't know if they would prescribe the surgery on the same basis, but it seem reasonable to me. Consult your doc for this approach.
Large RERA score is actually way more common for the female.
Check in your Lab sleep test results for RERA if noted.
If you want to get an idea already what the RERA score would be, set your machine to APAP mode, and pressure min 6 and pressure max 6.5, and sleep with that setting for a couple days. Your average RERA score and AHI score would probably pretty closely approximate what you sleep results would be.
Hope you will get needs met.
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